Tanya Taylor
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

About Me

Thanks for popping by Taylored Strength, being here means you have taken one more step towards chasing your fitness goals, and that's amazing, I'm proud of you!

My name is Tanya, I'm a mom to three beautiful and busy children & wife to a professional baker and culinary wizard. A few years ago, I was looking at photos that my Hubby had taken of me while on vacation with our family, and in an effort to sound as clichéd as possible, I came across photos of me in a swimsuit, walking along the shoreline of a gorgeous beach in PEI. I was heavier than I'd ever been, I was uncomfortable in my own skin and embarrassed of just how much I'd let slip. Standing at 5'3 and weighing 190lbs, I knew it was time for a change, and this is how my journey to fitness began. 

I tried everything; working out, fad diets, you name it. Changes would start to happen, but what I learned was that nothing I was doing diet wise, was sustainable long term. I ended up with my weight just yo-yoing until I gave up entirely. December 2022 I rebounded back up to 175lbs, and promised myself I was going to make 2023 the year that I pulled it together for good. 

I committed 100% of myself to weight training, cardio, proper nutrition, studying to be a CPT and learning everything I could about creating a stronger, healthier, happier me!

I'm now an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer who is dedicated not only to my own health and well being, but to YOURS! Your goals are achievable, and I'm here to help you learn how to take control of your life, reach your goals, and maintain them!

Contact me today and let's slay your goals together! 
